Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Ali, You are Right!!!!

OK, I just have to post this. I'm shocked by the response I've received since starting this blog.  Everyone tells me how honest I'm being.  So, I feel the need to be a little more honest.  My sister and I were talking the other day and she reminded me what a wise choice I made by going back to work.  She's so right!!!

I'm made to work.  I'm made to be social.  I'm made to be busy.  I'm made to teach.  I was NOT made to be a stay at home mom.  Forever, I was in denial about this.  I'm not in denial anymore.  I realize, this is how God made me.  I'm a better mom when I work. I'm a better wife when I work.  I'm using my gifts and talents when I work.  I was just made to work. That doesn't mean I wasn't made to be a mom.  I just wasn't made to be a Stay at Home Mom, and that's OK! For the longest time, I felt that I was a bad mom if I worked.  This year has really taught me a lot. I've learned so much about who I am and who I was made to be.  I'm excepting who I am AND I'm not ashamed or in denial about it anymore.  No more excuses.  I'm Courtney, a mom, a wife, a sister, a friend, a daughter, a teacher and I'M NOT A STAY AT HOME MOM!! And that's OKAY!!! So many of you battle with this, I know.  And for those of you that are made to stay at home, as a mom/dad, that's awesome!!! I think it's great and one of the hardest jobs on earth! I admire those who are stay at home moms/dads.  But I will not feel bad that I'm not. This is HUGE for me.  I'm finally able to breath and relax in knowing who I really am.  I used to always want to please others and fit into what "other" people think I should be.  I'm done with that.  Life's too short!  I'm proud to be a teacher AND a mom.

Yes, my sister, Ali is right.  Making the choice to go back to work this year has been the best decision for me and my family.  It really saved my life.  I was in such a bad place over last summer.  Putting Judy in daycare and going back to work was by far the best thing I've done in a long time.  The best part about it is that I not only get to work, but I get to work with some of the neatest, coolest people ever, I get to teach at an amazing school, and I get to teach some really special kiddos! I'm blessed.  I've made some really great friends with my co-workers, and I enjoy waking up every morning.  My days are filled with joy and when I go home in the evenings, I'm excited to spend time with my family. (Especially now that Judy is being more JOYFUL)!! :) 

I just had to post this, because I know some of you moms/dads are battling within yourselves.  Be who God made you to be! Don't be afraid or worry about what others think.  They need to worry about themselves!!! :)


  1. Courtney, I've told you this all along! You are a wonderful wife and mother....you are not a stay at home mom....neither was I!
    I'm glad the lightbulb finally came on when Ali said that! And I'm glad you were ready to hear and accept it! Love you always!

  2. Hey Courtney ~ you don't have to feel bad! I wouldn't have been a good stay at home Mom either. I believe it's quality time and not quantity time. My kids would have probably hated me had I stayed at home. It's just who we are so just take it a day at a time! Love reading about your lives ~ just amazing....Love Beth
