Thursday, April 18, 2013

Doing OKAY

Well, we are doing okay.  Just really tired.  Last time I wrote, I put her back on the Valium for a few days because CRABBY Judy was back.  I wanted to try it again to see if it would work like last time (Valium for 3 days then stop).  You won't believe this, but it worked! Really odd!! I spoke with the Riley doctor and she is baffled by it as well.  She is going to speak with some of her colleagues to see if they might know why this Valium helps sometimes.  This past week she has been a gem! Until this morning, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Just really fussy, crying, not content, won't stay focused and/or entertained for more than 2 minutes, wants to be held, etc.  To make things worse, we somehow locked our entire family out of the house tonight, didn't even have car keys, and it was torrential raining.  Thank goodness MiMi saved the day! She drove all the way from Lebanon to bring us our spare key!! :)

Bummer of a day.  I was really hoping Joyful Judy would've lasted a little longer this run.  I guess if she's crabby again tomorrow, I might start the Valium again for a few days then stop, and see if it works again!??! My poor kids! Grace and Jackson had their parent/teacher conferences this evening at school.  Crabby Judy stole the attention from them.  We brought most of their work home, so that we can spend some time looking at it with them.  They are both doing great, by the way!! Super proud of them!! Grace is such a sweet, young lady and is extremely passionate about learning. Jackson is the funniest guy we know and has an amazing imagination.  We couldn't be prouder. And Judy...we really love her too!! We do! Good thing she's cute as a button! ;)  Just need to get her figured out.

Pray tomorrow Judy wakes up on the right side of the bed, that Michael and I will have energy, for my dad's health, and for Jackson's procedure.  Jack's growth hormone deficiency test takes place on May 1st.  I'm nervous! I love that lil' boy!

Once again, thanks for all the emails, texts, messages, etc.  This blog has helped me sooo much! Knowing we have so many people behind us and praying for us is such a blessing!
NIGHT! I'm beat.

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