Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Oh Judy, Oh Judy...

Oh Judy, you just keep us guessing! Judy has really been a different child since last week! We still have NO idea what happened to her!! It's amazing! God is good! I believe he heard OUR prayers! Thanks again for praying! The Spear household has had a completely different tone to it the last week! It's been so refreshing!

The past two evenings though, she still has us wondering if something is hurting her. She becomes extremely irritable quickly.  It's hard to describe and explain.  I've noticed more and more it's when she's laying on her back. It seems like something's hurting her neck or head. Who knows?! The last week though has been so wonderful, that I've been trying not to think about it.  It can make me crazy when I start guessing and wondering what she has!  Maybe it's a couple of little different things?!?! Who knows?  When I start googling- it's downhill from there!  Ha! There's so much stuff it could be! I'm very interetsed in what the behavioral psych has to say about her! She's a baby! But maybe they will have something.

Good news- since this last week, she's started babbling a little bit.  She also has added uh-oh to her vocab.  She still bites and clenches her jaw when anxious- it's weird and kind of alarming.  But again, I'm trying to not go there.  Just taking it one day at a time. :)  Wine will be my choice of medicine for myself this week! HA

1 comment:

  1. i love you court. you are such a good mommy to her and her best advocate. we are praying for you all and some answers!
