Monday, March 11, 2013

Still ????

Seriously!!! Seriously guys!!!! I LOVE this little girl soooo much!!! What's wrong with her?!? I'm baffled!  So confused.  How far do I push this? I just KNOW somethings wrong.  Spoke with Riley doctor today.  Since Valium wasn't touching her, she told me I could stop giving it to her.  I hated seeing her on that strong of drug.  It was so weird! Plus, it wasn't helping. Can you believe that? Golly!!!! I want her to be happy and to love life! I want her to explore and learn!!! Doctor now sent me to a behavioral psych.  Waiting to get an appointment with her.  Meanwhile, I have the appointment set up with First Steps for speech.  Should I be doing anything else?!?! I'm her only advocate! AND I KNOW SOMETHINGS WRONG!  Back to giving her benadryl (prescription type) and Motrin.  She's been in bed for an hour! WHEW!  Just waiting on pins and needles to hear her start crying. She'll probably start the second I lay my head down. 

New info- I forgot to add earlier...Judy has been having a lot of fevers recently.  Two weeks ago, she had a fever of 103 for 5 days, no other symptoms except fussiness.  Her pediatrician had no answers for me.  Since then, she has a low grade fever at least once/day.  Usually I associate it with teething. But who the hell knows?! It's always a guessing game.  Sometimes, it's around 101.  Riley doc told me to keep a journal of her temps.  I decided today, I'm going to try to journal everything, so I can show the doc next time.  Day care said they will keep a Judy journal too!  She's also been extremely constipated, which I think is coming from all the meds.  Oh Judy! My little lovey!! Please tell me what's hurting you!!!

PS- Thanks for all the posts, comments, and messages!!! I've been reading them all!! It's nice to know I'm not alone.  It's also nice to know how much sooo many people care!!

There she goes...SCREAMING!!! Goodnight...


  1. Court.....Have you been able to read any of my posts?.....Sunny Blackburn

  2. I think none of them got "published" on to your blog so basically I was telling you how Valium back fired for me with all 3 of my girls when we tried giving it to them on the plane ride back from China. It wired all of them, while I slept like a baby! John flew drug-free:) It was so weird! I also saw the "drugged" look in their eyes and thought..."what am I doing to my kids?"! The drug does have it's place but not in my kids, they all reacted the same way!!
    Also I was telling you to please bring Baby Judy up to our home so we can have her for an overnight or 2 and give your whole family a much needed break!! Call me.....523-8476
    Dear Baby Judy......Please tell us what hurts!!!????
    You will love First Steps! They were at my home 3 times a week for over 2 years for our Little Lily. If you do not connect with the therapist that they send and tell them.....they will send someone else.
    My heart is breaking for all of you......this long awaited little bundle of joy needs to be helped......many people are upholding you all in prayer!!!!
    CALL ME!

  3. Morning Courtney!!!

    Thinking of you and Baby Judy this morning. I don't know if you know the author Ann Voskamp. Well, she is this beautiful woman from Canada who lives a Mennonite farmer's life... She is so serene, peaceful, spirit-filled, nearly makes me sick....and at the same time I can't get enough of what she is teaching...SO GENTLE.... I personally have a habit of "problem admiration" - always focusing on what isn't instead of what is... So I'm trying to retrain my wacky ways...seems like it takes a lifetime. I thought you might like her if you don't know her. There is a free I-phone app called 1000 Gifts. When you think about it you can take a picture or write a private thought about something that feels like a gift. I thought I would do it everyday, but oh thankless person that I am, I am only up to Gift 15 after about 2 months...better thankful for something than NOTHING!!!!!!!!!! Maybe, as life is sooo overwhelming, a easy click on the app will help you recognize a gift. JUST AN IDEA. I know it is so overwhelming to think of anything but JUDY'S PAIN and NEED. Here's the link. Here's a link to her website: Take a moment to breath and care for Courtney today!!!!!

  4. Dawn- That's crazy that you're reading that book!! I LOVE that book! Did it w/ my Bible study a few years ago. Someday I want to get a tattoo with the word 'eucharisteo'!!! My favorite word from that book!! Thanks for all your thoughts and kind words!!!
    PS-Love the pic of mom!! Dying!! What a riot!
